Gathering machines
Showing 1–12 of 21 results
16 stations Calendar Gathering Machine MKW Rapid UT 16/B3/GS
8 stations suction air tower DUPLO with high pile display Duplo DC 48 pcs.
c. p. Bourg BST 10 N Suction air collection tower
€0,00 -
c. p. Bourg modules gathering machine
€0,00 -
Ehlermann ZTM 222 Signature layer collating machine
€0,00 -
for calendar punch Renz Super 700 4mm round hole pitch 3to1 with thumb hole
Gathering machine / booklet maker MKW Rapid UT 14B3GS + SFT 350 with 14 stations
Gathering machine ZTM Brehmer 891-18
Horizon AC-8000 S single sheet collating tower
€0,00 -
Horizon HAC 15m collating tower
€0,00 -
HORIZON Single Sheet Vacuum Feeder Gathering Machine AC-6000 S CF-20 with Cover Feeder
€0,00 -
Horizon ST-20 stacking lowering table
Showing 1–12 of 21 results